Quotes from Process Stories

Sam: Is your office now the House of the Rising Sun?
C.J.: Yes.

Abbey: Hon, this is like nerd hot talk.
Bartlet: Who's your Commander in Chief?
Abbey: You are.
Bartlet: Yes. And do the ladies like him? Oh, yes, to the tune of 58%.

Leo: Can you hang around for a minute? There's about to be a coup in Venezuela.

Annette: You're funny.
Bruno: Yeah.
Annette: Does winning make you funny?
Bruno: Losing makes you funny. Winning makes you handsome.

Donna: I can't believe you broke a $400 ashtray.
Jack: Yeah, I wish I hadn't done that. It's 'cause you're blonde.

Bartlet: You're young, Charlie. Don't you want to be having fun right now?
Charlie: Yes, sir. But I work for you.
Bartlet: I get that a lot.

Bartlet: You should marry that girl, Toby.
Toby: I'm doing my best, sir.

Toby: I was intimidated by your Catholicism.

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