Review of And It's Surely to Their Credit

Written by Toniann

  • Am I the only one that got a little verklempt when Toby told CJ that she's a beautiful woman? I *love* those two together, and I don't mean necessarily that I want to see an office romance or anything, just the chemistry those two actors have on screen is a pleasure to watch.

  • They Call Her Ms. Cregg: speaking of CJ, I knew we were going somewhere with that particular storyline when she corrected the General's aide. You go, girl.

  • You mean, the President and the First Lady haven't done it in the Oval Office? Come on, I'm sorry, if my husband were elected President... I mean, let's be honest, wouldn't we all? At least once, just to say we'd done it? (no pun intended)

  • This Week's Comment From Mom, As The Credits Rolled: "Well, that episode was a letdown." "Why, Mom?" "They never said if it was Penzance or Pinafore."

  • Speaking of credit, am I obtuse? What is the title referring to, anyhow?

  • Hey, did anyone watch Titans? So did the old guy have a heart attack because he found out about his wife & son having done the deed, or what? Okay, okay, so I watched the first couple of episodes, but I tore myself away finally. I think. That show is so bad, it's like a train wreck, you can't look away.

  • I thought Donna's "I'm the Deputy Deputy Chief of Staff!" bit would've gotten a polite chuckle at least. Okay, a polite grin. An upturning of some mouths or something. Oh, okay, it was a really bad joke.

  • Confession: I am a dialogue thief. I had a pretty crappy day going at work and a jolly coworker chose that particular moment to make a snide comment... so I stole Ainsley's bit to Sam about saving the rudeness until tomorrow or Saturday even, and promising that she'd be up to it then. I know Sorkin et al have really been pushing for us to like this character, sometimes with a heavy hand, but what can I say, it's working, imho.

  • I got the "Not you and me" joke Charlie had with Abby the first time around, thank you very much... and I wasn't so sure that this is a topic that she or the President would be so jocular about with the young lad, considering he's sleeping with their daughter. But that's just me.

  • Josh has really lousy insurance. Or, more to the point that Lynn has pointed out elsewhere, the White House Personnel Office needs to do a better job of explaining "Worker's Compensation" to these guys.

  • Last but not least, boy those were useless previews for next week. I already knew the next episode was going to air the night after Election Day, but that's about all they revealed. Come on, throw me a bone here!

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