Review of And It's Surely To Their Credit

Written by Rachel

I am an Englishman!

"Were you the recording secretary of the Princeton Gilbert and Sullivan club for two years?"

"Do I look like a woman?"

The thing that I love about this show is that as it moves me to tears, sometimes it's because I'm laughing so hard that tears come. I found myself laughing out loud again and again throughout this episode and I like to think that it was Mr. Sorkin's intention that I do so.

Ainsley has turned into a very good addition, if for no other reason than the introduction of John Larroquette as the White House counsel. Larroquette is amazing. I've seen him in comedies and playing one of the more chilling people on TV in his guest star run on "The Practice" but here we see an entirely different character and again he's brilliant!

I was also taken with the disrespect that the two staffers in the communications office showed Ainsley. Granted, she had overstepped her bounds slightly, but I tend to think it was because of her enthusiasm for the job rather than impudence. The actions of the staffers were really reprehensible, which quickly shows us that not everyone at the White House intends to be collegial toward the Republican. I, myself, have been known to be a bit partisan at times, so I think it was good to show that not everything is going to be sweetness and light for Ainsley. Fortunately for her, I think she's made a good ally in CJ and for all the right reasons. People are threatened by women in power and especially if they are beautiful. CJ knows what it was like for someone on the inside. She can only imagine what it might be like for someone on the outside.

As a final comment on Ainsley...I think Leo is a little sweet on her.

Josh's trial. I do hope that we see Josh deal with his shooting and near death experience at some point. I think that his unwillingness to sue comes more from an inability to deal with it. I could be wrong, but to ignore the story possibilities here would be a shame. Brad Whitford is so great in this role and he has the best chemistry with Rob Lowe. I could sit and watch them go back and forth all night long.

Sometimes I get a little tired of the "ripped from the headlines" style they use on "Law and Order" but tonight Sorkin includes an interesting subplot with the General and his medals. The same thing happened a couple of years ago, but if memory serves me the officer was exposed and later killed himself.

Finally...Donna is wonderful. I'm so glad that Janel Maloney has been added to the regular cast. She always adds a spark which I have to admit worked better for me than the whole sex plot. I realize that the President and the First Lady have sex, but this seemed a little cheesy. Nice plug for women's role in history, though.

All in all a solid performance!

Copyright ©2000 by Rachel Vagts. All rights reserved.

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