Review of The Midterms

Written by Toniann

Review written in 2002

  • I actually really wanted to hear more about Josh and his thoughts on the "Theory of Everything" (which I trust is comprehensive). I'm sure the psychics involved put a lot of work into that.

  • You know, in her briefing, CJ said Josh was recovering at GW, but when they showed him banging his head against the headboard in frustration, that looked like wood, and a nice room, as in, his own room. Or, Josh got a *really* nice private room, which is pretty likely, considering, as well.

  • The things going on in this episode were not always a pleasure to watch. The coldness between Charlie and Zoey, the president focused on the evils of Elliott Roush, Toby's near-hysteria, Bartlet and Charlie sniping at each other. And yet it was all normal, really, considering what they went through.

  • That reminds me, though: this episode spans more time than any other by far (not counting flashback episodes). We go from, I believe, late July/early August to Election Day, in November. Wow. Heck of a chunk of time in 60 minutes, minus commercials.

  • Someone needs to make Sam go on the White House tour and pay attention.

  • Tom Jordan, Sam's friend who was asked to run for Congress, really did get a raw deal. I'm with his wife on that one. Sam was so smug about how they knew everything about the Jordans, but they obviously weren't careful enough about vetting him, at least by their standards, and dumped the poor guy to be labeled as a racist for the rest of his career. I think the White House was wrong not to stand by him, as the allegations were unfounded. It's times like these I see the flaw in the Bartlet administration, and I guess it's good that they have flaws, storywise. Anyhow, Sam didn't really deserve the blame for all of this, but I understand why he stood there and took it.

  • The "Dr. Jenna Jacobs" scene is pretty well-known now, not the least reason being that the dialogue was swiped from a well-circulated email pointed at Dr. Laura Schlessinger. Personally, I applaud Aaron Sorkin for taking a stab at her, but that's me. Anyhow, my favorite moment in that scene is when Sam sidled up to her in the silence that followed her embarrassment, and took her crab puff.

  • I have never had an egg cream, but even I didn't think they were from New England.

  • Best scene of the episode: when Leo told Charlie to take "extra protection" when he went out with Zoey, and Charlie misunderstood, and Leo knew what he'd misunderstood... priceless.

  • Least favorite scene: the bit on the stoop at the end. The conversation was fine, and Toby's response, "God bless America", was also good, considering what it said about his character. Everyone repeating it was, well, cheesy. It seems like every episode has to have that one moment.

    "Holy interruptus, Batman."

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