Quotes from The War at Home

Bartlet: I'm not allowed to smoke inside anymore.
Leo: I thought you were allowed to do pretty much whatever you want.
Bartlet: Up to the point where you accidentally burn holes in priceless antiques.
Leo: You should stop smoking.
Bartlet: Why?
Leo: You'll live longer.
Bartlet: I smoke two cigarettes a day.
Leo: It's a bad example.
Bartlet: For who? Russian spy satellites?

Toby: He's not the President of the United States. He's a junior senator from North Dakota where nobody lives... 'cause it's too cold and they don't have a major sports franchise.

Leo: You understand we've got heating inside, right?
Bartlet: This isn't cold it's crisp.
Leo: No, it's cold.
Bartlet: Well, you're a big wussy.

Josh: I'm on hold. I'm on hold. I'm on hold. I'm in some hellish hold world of holding.

C.J.: How are you doing, Ainsley?
Ainsley: My mouth is dry, my hands are moist and I have to pee.
C.J.: Okay.

Leo: How are you doing, Ainsley?
Ainsley: I'm concerned about peeing on your carpet.
Leo: Okay, well, now I am too.
Sam: Tell her it's going to be fine.
Leo: Your skirt's on backwards.

Bartlet: We weren't prepared for someone to try and outfox us with a strategem so sophisticated it's an entire generation beyond, "Hey, look, your shoelaces are untied!?" Is that how I just lost nine guys to a damn street gnag with a ham radio?!

Bartlet: You really gotta ask yourself, what's the point in being a superpower anymore?

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