Review of What Kind of Day Has it Been?

Written by Toniann

  • You know, I didn't think the signal they came up with, safe departure, what have you, was so bad, despite Bartlet's mocking of it. I mean, yeah, it was corny, but what else are you going to use?

  • The best part of this episode, I thought, was Toby's storyline. The way he bridled at Sam and later admitted he'd forgotten his brother was on the shuttle; the hinting at a broken relationship between them. The best part was when the president was trying to comfort him, and Toby, though grateful, pointed out that there are no minor problems in space. As a NASA enthusiast, I'd have to agree with Toby.

  • Definitely a nice moment when the president used the material Charlie had given him, prompting him to say to Josh, "It never does go away." No, I imagine it wouldn't.

  • According to Bartlet's speech, most of us think General Hospital is going to outlast Medicare. Actually, yes, I'd say that's a fair call on that one.

  • Boy, you know, in this episode and the premiere of season two, Gina does a great job. Seriously, she beats herself up about not giving a better description of the signal guy, but as Leo told her, she got Zoey in the car, alerted everyone a split second before the shooting began, and obviously gave a good enough description since they found him in the premiere. Too bad she leaves and goes to work for CSI and we never see her again.

  • I don't know what to say about Leo's anger at Josh regarding what he said to Hoynes, about getting the pilot back bumping their approval rating up. I see what Leo's getting at, I guess. He's saying, maybe Washington works that way, but we don't, we're not that cold-hearted. On the other hand, Josh is doing a job and doing it well. He's the heavy, the guy who gets to be a jerk and then get called a jerk, and then Leo or Bartlet or someone else steps in and smoothes things over. So give the guy a break, I guess. Oh, maybe I'm just overly fond of Josh, here, and it's clouding my judgment.

  • Someone who's side I'm definitely not on is Danny; his anger at CJ for lying in the press room was, well, just silly. He needs to remember that she doesn't work for the press, she works for the White House, and that's where her loyalties and interests and priorities lie. But, I did like the bit about the Dallas Morning News.

  • You know, I'd really like to know the answer to Fitz's question, and how they change the eagle in the carpet in times of war. Darn it, I'll probably never find out, now.

  • "Who's been hit?", indeed. As I wrote this that question has long been answered, but I must say that the shooting scene montage was exceptionally well-done. There really was no way to tell, from watching it, who had been hit and who hadn't. A great cliffhanger, one of the all-time best.

    "No, cause with the mike and the stool and the jacket over my shoulder, I can do the Town Hall meeting and then do a couple of sets at the Copa."

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