Review of Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc

Written by Toniann

review written in Jan. 2002

  • So I gather that the thing we really need to know about Mandy is that she drives around in a convertible (badly) and plays her radio really loud. Okay. I'll jot that down.

  • I remember in the pilot Josh saying that he thought Lloyd Russell was gay. After seeing him in this episode, I gotta say, Josh's gaydar is way, way off.

  • Mrs. Landingham has cookies on her desk! And she denied them to Toby!

  • You know, whatever happened to Mandy's partner/assistant, Daisy? I don't know if this is the last episode we ever see her in (I'd have to check), but once Mandy starts working in the White House, I don't recall Daisy being around. Huh.

  • Morris Tolliver and Bartlet really did have a great scene together. I liked their banter, and the way the president was with him. So confiding. Jumping ahead a little, I can't help but think of Charlie, due to arrive on the scene in the next episode. Weren't Charlie and Morris' characters rather similar? In some ways, Morris was a ten-year-older Charlie, at least in regards to his place in the president's confidence and trust.

  • One last thing about Morris: I loved his advice to Bartlet about the Joint Chiefs. He said, they'll advise you, and go where you point. And that's what came to pass, isn't it?

  • Leo and Hoynes had a great scene together. They seemed quite friendly for a second, and then the claws were out. Leo really laid down the law, and I think this episode started a pattern we'll end up seeing for the rest of the show, at least as far as I write this: Leo kind of is the power behind the throne. So to speak.

  • The saga of Sam and Laurie continues (my favorite line, Toby: "I don't understand, did you trip over something?"). Interesting to note that Sam initially was hell-bent on reforming Laurie. In the end, he really turned around on that one.

    "Who among us hasn't known forbidden love?"

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